How to connect phone to car

How to connect phone to car

How to connect phone to car

connect phone to car

What is Bluetooth pairing?

The process of establishing a Bluetooth network is called "pairing" because the network consists of only one pair of devices. Although it is usually possible to pair one device with multiple other devices, each connection is secure and unique.

To connect phone to car, the phone and the console must be compatible with Bluetooth.

Most car infotainment systems provide Bluetooth connectivity, allowing seamless handsfree calls. The same functionality is available for aftermarket and OEM Bluetooth car stereos, which you can add to older systems using the handsfree car kit.

To make handsfree calls with your phone, you need to:

Bluetooth enabled mobile phones.

Infotainment system or car audio system supporting Bluetooth.

PIN for the infotainment or audio system.

In addition, it may be helpful to install the phone holder.

Verify whether your phone has Bluetooth function, and then turn it on

Connect phone to car audio system depends on the phone and infotainment or audio system settings. No matter what type of mobile phone you own or what kind of car you drive, most of these steps will be converted in some way. In any case, the first step is to make sure you have the right tools.

The first step in connect phone to car stereo is to verify whether your phone has Bluetooth functionality.

If the phone is turned off, turn on the phone and verify that you have Bluetooth. The Bluetooth symbol looks like a capital B covered with an X. If you are familiar with runes, it is a binding rune composed of "hagall" and "bjarkan", because the technology originated in Scandinavia. If you see this symbol anywhere in the status area or menu of your phone, your phone may have Bluetooth functionality.

While browsing the menu, note the location of the "Make your phone discoverable" and "Search for devices" options. You'll need these later. However, most mobile phones can be found within a few minutes, so you don't need to activate it yet.

connect phone to car

Check the infotainment or audio system telephone settings

Some vehicles have a button that you can press to start the pairing process, while others allow you to say voice commands, such as "pairing Bluetooth". Other vehicles are complex because you must view the infotainment system. In this case, the next step is to navigate to Phone Settings in the infotainment system menu.

If you cannot find the "Pair Bluetooth" button and your car does not support voice commands, please read the owner's manual to learn how to pair your infotainment system or car audio with your mobile phone.

Search your phone or set the car system to discover

In this step, you need to know the location of the "Set as discoverable" and "Search device" options on your phone. Depending on your audio or infotainment system settings, your car will search your phone and vice versa. In either case, the two devices must be ready to search or be found in the same window for about two minutes.

In this case, navigate to Bluetooth in the phone settings menu of the infotainment system to start. Your infotainment system or Bluetooth car audio may be slightly different in details, but the basic idea should be the same.

connect phone to car

If you bought ZHNN products, and there should be no problem about connect phone to car because it's easy to operate, no matter you purchased the car stereo or box, and if you still have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us, we support the best customer service!